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Question: does the platform support the search by simplified and traditional Chinese characters mixed together?
Answer: at present, our platform does not support such search. Only search by simplified Chinese characters or by traditional Chinese characters are allowed for the time being.
Question: What is the relevancy policy governing the related resource shown in page of search results?
Answer: title is the most relevant element among searched results, then followed by author.
Question: why I am reminded that I have not installed Apabi Reader or Apabi Reader of suitable version in spite that the latest Apabi Reader have been installed already?
Answer: firstly, follow the path of IE Browse – internet Options- security- self-defined level; then, change the item marked with “Disabled” into “Enabled” or “Optional”, finally, click the button of “OK”. With the three steps gone through, Apabi Reader can work soundly.
Question: What matters I should pay attention to during installation of Apabi Reader?
Answer: Download the latest version of Apabi Reader at the address of ; http://www.apabi.cnor enter into Download Zone to have the latest version of Apabi Reader downloaded; or click the button of “Download Apabi Reader” appeared at the right upper corner in each page. Then, install Apabi Reader with the identity of system administer. Shut down all IE browses in the installation process. If your computer is installed with Windows Vista Operation System, please follow the path of Control Panel – User Account and Family Security – User Account, and then click the button of “ Open or Close User Account Control” before remove the mark signal circled in the square. At last, re-start your company. If your computer is installed with Windows 7 Operation System, please follow the path of Control Panel – User Account and Family Security – User Account, and then click the button of“ Open or Close User Account Control” before have the security purview level set at the lowest level. At last, re-start your company. If you log on the system with other identities rather than system administer, please have the account purview of the system reset, so as to gain read-in right for the installation catalogue of ‘%APPDATA% \Founder\Apabi Reader’and ApabiReader.
Question: Why my friend fails to receive my email in spite that I have sent the email to my friend through the platform?
Answer: probably it is because that your friend’s in-box is over, or the sent email is automatically rejected by your friend’s email-system as spam mail. You can ask your friend to check the left space of his/her inbox or give you a new email address.
Question: why the score, which has already been shown in the specific information page of the very e-book, through which I have given my score, fails to appear in search results of the e-book through the platform?
Answer: the scorns given to the e-book do not updated in real-time. Instead, such information should be updated by system administer by manual or by implementing update task at regular time interval. Generally speaking, such time interval is one day long.